You have saved and finally the new pool is finished in your backyard. It took an extra year because you wanted it deep enough for a low diving board for the kids, and you wanted it big enough for friends and family to enjoy. But, that last truck just drove away and your pool has clean water in it and it is ready to enjoy.
You even paid extra money for a quality fence installed around the pool and you added extra alarms just in case your small dogs or children get through the fence. You have done everything right and can't wait to enjoy a warm day in the pool. 
All of a sudden friends and family are dropping by just to say hi and see the new pool. Everyone is having a great time, but you start to notice the cannon balling is getting a little out of control and you worry someone might get hurt; especially when your little nephew is jumping off the diving board into groups of people already in the pool.
Luckily you see the situation and take steps to stop it before anyone gets hurt. But, sometimes accidents just happen and people get hurt and you can't prevent it. Have you planned for that? Have you talked with an independent insurance agent about an umbrella insurance policy?
An umbrella policy is a liability policy that is in addition to your home insurance policy. If someone gets hurt in your pool, your home insurance policy can cover medical costs. However, if those medical costs exceed the limit of your home insurance policy, then the payments come back to you.
But after your home insurance policy has reached the limit, your umbrella policy helps pay the medical costs for the injured person. That way you protect your savings account from having to fund those costs.
What's great is you can get an umbrella policy to cover not just the pool, but also your home, car, boat and more. The policy helps protect your bank account if there is a claim that exceeds your underlying policies.
You did a great job protecting the pool with a fence and alarms. Now call us and protect your bank account with an umbrella policy.
Prepare for pool season today. Call ProtectAll Insurance for more information on umbrella insurance.